The Ultimate Guide To Mesotherapy

Hair loss is a very common worldwide problem that may affect the social life of an individual.
Though hair loss can affect both men and women, males are more likely to lose hair than females.
Many of us are affected by this problem in different parts of our lives. For those who are affected by
their hair loss, mesotherapy is a boon for treating thin hairs.
Mesotherapy For Hair Loss Cost In Delhi is minimal at radiance cosmedic care, Delhi.
 Hair fall in men and women is caused by a number of reasons. Some reasons are as below:

Stress (Both mental and physical)
Physical stress include any type of physical injury or surgery such as head injury because
of a car accident, severe illness etc. Mental stress includes mental illness or depression.

Excessive intake of vitamin A
Overdosing of Vitamin A containing supplements or medication can trigger hair fall.
A daily required intake of vitamin A in adults is 5000 IU. More than this value can cause hair loss.

Lack of protein
If you are not taking enough protein in your diet, be aware because less protein intake is harmful
to hairs and can cause hair loss.

You might be more prone to hair loss if you come from a family where hair fall is common at a certain

Hormonal changes in female
Hormonal changes during pregnancy, emotional stress, menstruation, menopause might be a
reason for hair loss in women.

Hair loss or thinning of hair is often seen in men and women as they enter their 50s and 60s.

What is mesotherapy and what are the various benefits

of mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a hair regrowth treatment that is used as an effective non-surgical alternative
therapy to treat baldness in men and women. With the help of mesotherapy, the right quantity
of nutrients is provided to hairs that boost the growth of the hairs. Mesotherapy cost depends on
the type of treatment you are taking and the number of sessions you need for the complete procedure.
It  is a cosmetic treatment which is not medically necessary.

Mesotherapy is also used by doctors to :

  • Remove the extra fat from the areas such as thighs, stomach, neck, legs, arms, buttocks and face.
  • Fade fine lines of the face and wrinkles.
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Lighten skin pigmentation
  • Recontour the body
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Treat alopecia (hair loss)

You can get the following benefits from mesotherapy:

Meso vitality: Meso vitality is an antiaging formula in which enzymes and microalgae extract are
injected into the skin to provide a smooth texture and tightness of the skin. This treatment provides a
visible skin rejuvenating effect.

Benefits of Meso vitality: Rejuvenating, antiaging and hydrating.
  • Meso vitality treatment improves the quality of the skin, provide hydration to the skin and slow
down the ageing process of the face.
  • Post-summer skin needs proper hydration, Meso vitality technique is the best suggestion.

Meso hair: As the name indicates Meso hair treatment if used to treat baldness in both men and women.

Benefits of Meso hair therapy:

  • Meso hair treatment prevents hair loss in both men and women.
  • It also stimulates further hair growth.
  • The treatment stimulates microcirculation and delivers vitamins and nutrients to the hair follicles.

Meso slim: Meso slim is the non-surgical technique to dissolve the fat pocket from the different
fatty areas of the body, with the help of injections.  

Benefits of Meso slim: Hydration, smoothing and firming

  • Cellulite
  • Sagging skin of underarms
  • The treatment of nutrients and vitamins firm the skin and promote the new cell growth.

How do virtual mesotherapy (mesotherapy without needle) works?

In virtual mesotherapy, a topical solution of active ingredients such as vitamins, amino acids or other nutrients are applied directly to the target area. Electroporation or electroosmosis techniques are used to improve the penetration of these active ingredients. Hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is mainly added into the mixture to improve the skin tone and to stimulate the follicles. Needle-free mesotherapy improves hair growth by:
  • Reducing free radicals stimulation
  • Improves cellular activity and circulation
  • Improves the production of collagen and elastin
You can observe measurable results after 2 treatment sessions per week over a period of 8 weeks.

Tips for post-treatment care:

The durability of hair growth after a virtual mesotherapy depends on the care of hairs after treatment.
  • Don’t wash your hairs or don’t apply any chemical products for the first 12 hours after mesotherapy.
  • Avoid sunlight for at least 2-3 days after treatment.

Hair transplant techniques offered by Radiance the Best Hair Transplant Clinic In Delhi include FUT hair transplant, FUE hair transplant and mesotherapy.
Virtual mesotherapy or non-needle mesotherapy is the best hair transplant techniques provided to improve the hair growth in needle phobic persons.


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